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Nulelìntàm èli paàn!

Shane Quinn in a forest

Céad míle fáilte! Seán Dante Iaróm Ó Cuinn is ainm dom (sé/é) agus is é seo mo shuíomh gréasáin. Is mac léinn in Ionad Iarchéime in Ollscoil Chathair Nua-Eabhrac mé agus déanaim staidéar ar theangeolaíocht, go háirithe athbheochan teanga agus na teangacha Algancacha.

My name is Shane Dante Jerome Quinn (he/him) and I am a Level I PhD student at the City University of New York Graduate Center. Based in Lenapehoking, my research centers on Algonquian languages. Recently I have worked with Unami (Lënapei Lixsëwakàn) verbal morphology, in particular inverse marking. I am greatly interested in language reclamation and raising up languages that have been put down. It is my hope that my research work can forward the vitality of the language.

I have taught Linguistics: The Science of Human Language at Brooklyn College and am currently the Instructor of a section of Sociolinguistics. I also served as a Teaching Assistant for two semesters in introductory courses, which included lecturing a number of times.

As for my background, I am originally from Boston and received my BA and MS from Georgetown University. There, my studies centered on sociolinguistics and Afroasiatic languages, namely Arabic and Moroccan Amazigh languages (as well as a touch of Egyptian).

Regarding the banner, “nulelìntàm èli paàn” means “welcome”, said to one person, in Unami Lenape:
n-wëlelintàm èli pa-àn
1.indep-be.glad because come-2s.conj
“I am glad that you came”
Listen here or here with the Lenape Talking Dictionary.

As for my own name, I say it as /ʃeɪn ˈdɑnteɪ d͡ʒɪˈɹoʊm kwɪn/, but I acknowledge that my first name is a variation of the Irish name Seán. I also happily go by Dante. بالعربية أكتب اسمي هكذا: شين دانتي جيروم كوين (لاحظ أن الاسم الأيرلندي “شين” يعادل الاسم العربي “يوحنا”); 我用漢字寫我的名字: 秦善; 제 이름을 이렇게 한글로 써요: 퀸셰인.

Please email me here: [email protected]

Alternatively, you can also contact me at [email protected]